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Pipeline dashboard
Matt Schofield avatar
Written by Matt Schofield
Updated over 5 months ago


The pipeline dashboard is used to track applicant and hiring pipeline data for the organization. Tracking pipeline data provides users with insights into hiring trends like time to hire and the volume of applicants compared year over year. The goal of pipeline data is to allow your organization to make more data-driven decisions about how to use recruitment and hiring resources.


Users can filter all charts on this page by hiring season, schools and categories. All charts on the pipeline dashboard are responsive to these topline filters, which means that when a filter is enabled, it’s filtering all of the charts across the entire dashboard. When a filter is on, it will be highlighted in green.

When the hiring season is filtered, only the selected seasons will be counted in the charts. By default, the hiring season filter will have the current hiring season selected, which is automatically updated annually on 11/1. In order for this to filter numbers accurately, you should make sure you tag each job you post with a hiring season.

The schools filter allows you to filter by the name of each school within your organization, as well as an N/A option, which reflects candidates and applications for jobs at the district level. If you choose to group schools in your settings, you can also filter by school groups here.

The Categories filter includes all of the categories listed in settings and tagged on your jobs. If you haven’t already, be sure to customize your categories so that they reflect the structure of your organization. This will help you drill down into metrics, like the number of applicants per vacancy across each job category.

Applicant diversity chart

This chart can be used to answer questions around the diversity of your pipeline, where you might be screening out diverse candidates and the diversity of specific pools from teachers to leaders at every level of the organization.

In the pie chart, you will see the count for each unique candidate and how they identify, by gender or race/ethnicity. This data is captured from an EEO survey on the candidate profile in Nimble. When they apply, candidates are advised that this information is voluntary and that it is not tied to their individual profile, but used in aggregate. Use the status filter on this chart to understand where you may be screening out diverse candidates.

Applicant source chart

When a candidate fills out the Nimble application, they are asked to select how they heard about the job from a drop-down list. Analyzing their responses via the source chart offers you insights into where your applicants are coming from.

Users can also filter by applicant diversity or status, to look at the best sources for candidates who are ultimately hired, or the best sources of diverse candidates. To change the source for any individual candidate, use the source dropdown on the candidate’s quick view.

Applicant volume chart

This chart shows the number of applicants who apply in any given month, as well as the number of applicants who have applied today. This data will be helpful when tracking the efficacy of strategic recruitment efforts that are executed throughout the hiring season. You’ll also have the ability to look at relative years to get a better sense of the ebb and flow of your application volume overall.

Users can leverage this data to understand the historical applicant volume and set goals around applications generated by certain dates throughout the hiring season. This chart offers users the option to see applicant volume by number of individual candidates or by number of applications submitted. You can navigate between the two by clicking the Apps/People toggle in the top right corner of the chart.

Applications per vacancy chart

This chart can help you measure the competitiveness of your various applicant pools across schools and job categories. Use the toggle in the top right corner of the chart to display the ratio of applications to vacancies by job category or school.

The top left toggle allows you to view grouped schools and categories, or view ratios for individual schools and sub-categories. Head to the settings page to create school groups, like Primary, Secondary and/or High-Need. These groups are not mutually exclusive, meaning you can assign a school to multiple groups. This allows you to see the ratio of applicants to vacancies not only by individual schools, but by school group.

This information can be used to help you make more informed recruitment decisions. For example, if you see a low ratio of applicants to vacancies for your hard-to-fill schools, you might consider hosting a recruitment event to highlight those schools.

Use school groups on the applications per vacancy chart in conjunction with candidate preference information to drive candidates to schools that need more applicants and also match their preferences.

Conversion metrics chart

This chart shows average processing time and pass rates for prospects and candidates. When the toggle on the right is on pass %, the boxes show the total number of candidates or prospects that made it into or beyond that status, along with pass rate into that status. When the toggle is on time, the boxes show average processing time between that status and the next.

You can use these charts to set goals around lead conversions or time to hire, and identify areas where you may be putting in substantial screening resources, without narrowing the pool. As an example, if you are putting 90% of your candidates through to the hiring pool, you may want to consider adjusting the rigor of your pre-screening process. You also have the ability to filter the conversion chart by diversity, which provides insight into where candidates of color may be getting screened out. We recommend you use this data to reflect on your current process and determine ways you can increase efficiency from beginning to end.

Onboarding conversions metrics chart

Similar to the hiring conversion metrics chart, this chart shows average processing time and pass rates for candidates in the onboarding process. When the toggle on the right is on pass %, the boxes show the total number of candidates that made it to or beyond the hired status, along with pass rate for each status. When the toggle is on time, the boxes show average processing time between that status and the next.

You can use this chart to set goals around onboarding processing time and ways to improve the new hire experience. Analyzing processing time from one onboarding status to another will help you identify bottlenecks within your current process.

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