Want to ensure that new hires don't have access to their own application feedback in Nimble? Linked profiles allow Super Admin to link admin profiles to the corresponding candidate profile, blocking former candidates from seeing their own application once hired.
Although admins cannot view applications or take actions like status changes for their linked candidate profiles (see below) they can still see a record of the application in their candidate list if they have access to review corresponding jobs, and linked candidate profiles are still accounted for in their aggregate dashboard data.
How to link profiles
To link an admin user to their own candidate profile, navigate to the Accounts page under your name in the top right menu.
Scroll to the Manage Users section and notice that any users that aren't yet linked to their own application will now show the caution icon. This is visible to Super Admin only.
To link a candidate profile, click the edit icon.
Begin typing the users name into the autofill dropdown field. The drop down will show all candidates who have applied to your organization in the past.
If you mistakenly link a candidate, you can simply hover over that entry and click unlink.
As a Super Admin, you also have the ability make these links from the candidate's profile.
To do so, scroll to the Privacy section at the bottom of the full profile page. Begin typing the name of the admin user you want to link.
When selected, you'll see a tag with the selected user is created. You can select more than one tag at the same time and when you are ready you can then save the changes by clicking the Link accounts button.
Note that these links are stored at the profile level, meaning that you only need to link each user to a candidate profile once, even if they have applications for multiple roles.
To learn more about this or other features in Nimble, click here or email us at [email protected].