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Candidate & prospect tags
Candidate & prospect tags
Matt Schofield avatar
Written by Matt Schofield
Updated over a year ago


Super Admins can now create custom tags for candidates and prospects in their organization from the settings page. Super and District Admins can tag candidates or prospects and can filter their lists based on these tags. District Users and School Admin can see and filter by the tags they have been given access to.

Creating tags

Tags are created at the organizational level, meaning that all Super Admin will have access to the same tags created in settings.

To create a tag, Super Admins can click their name in the top right corner of the page and then click Settings and navigate to the Candidate tags section.

Click the + New tag button and name the tag. Tag names are limited to 35 characters.

Determine the tag's visibility by clicking the toggle next to each user type that you'd like to have access to view this tag on a candidate or prospect's profile. If selected, Super and District Admin will have view and edit permissions for the tags on a candidate's profile while District Users and School Admin will only be able to view and filter by the candidate tags they have access to.

Select a tag color and click the Create tag button to save your changes.

Super Admin also have the ability to edit and/or delete tags in settings. If a tag is edited or deleted, the changes will be reflected in the filters, as well as on any candidate profiles where the tag has been previously selected.

If your organization has access to the prospects module, then you will see a Tag Type section located to the right of Tag visibility. Users can determine whether the tag is for candidates, prospects or both.

If a tag is marked as a prospect tag ONLY (e.g. it is not also a candidate tag), then School Admin and District Users will not have access to the tag, as the prospects module is currently only visible to Super and District Admin. If a tag is both a candidate and prospect tag, it should transfer over to the candidate profile once a prospect is converted.

Adding tags to a candidate's profile

To add a tag to a candidate's profile, navigate to the candidate list and click into a candidate's quick view or full profile.

Scroll to the Candidate Tags section and open the dropdown, you should see all tags visible to your user type available for use. Start typing to select a tag or click on the tag and hit enter to add the tag to that candidate's profile.

If a District User or School Admin has access to the tagged candidate's profile AND the visibility permission is set to include each user type then those users will see the tags on the candidate's quick view, full profile and in candidate filters on the left side of the candidate list.

Filtering by tags

Once tags are created, users with applicable visibility permissions for one or more tags will see a new Candidate Tags filter added to the sidebar filter on the lefthand side of the candidates list and the candidates > view by posting page.

Once you've created tags, you can use Nimble's automatic tagging functionality to automatically tag candidates based on how they respond to application questions. Refer here to learn more!

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