When creating job listings on Nimble, you will probably end up asking the same series of questions on numerous postings. For example, on all teaching-related postings, you may ask, “How many years of teaching experience do you have?”, “Are you certified to teach in this state?”, and “Are you National Board certified?” With Nimble’s question sets feature, you can create bundles of questions which can quickly and easily be added to all relevant job postings.
Creating a new question set
To create a new question set, log into your account and navigate to your account settings by clicking your name in the top-right corner and clicking “Settings.” Scroll down to the section labeled “Application Question Sets” and click the green “+ New Question Set” button. Give the question set a title and then add the specific questions you would like to include in the set.
There are 8 different question types that can be used when creating a question set in Nimble:
Direction Text: This item can be used to provide directions to a candidate for when they complete subsequent questions.
Text question: this item is typically used to ask a question and provide a space for the candidate’s long-form response.
Multiple choice: this question offers users the ability to capture multiple choice responses and/or yes or no questions. You also have the ability to make this question a multi-select if there is more than one answer for the question.
Nimble question: co-developed with our research partners, this question bank includes teacher open response questions that most predict classroom effectiveness.
Attachments: this item allows candidates the ability to upload a file, such as a work activity completed by the candidate or a cover letter.
Yes/No: similar to multiple choice questions, this item offers users the ability to capture yes or no questions on an application.
School preferences: this item allows candidates to select which schools they are interested in within a pooled posting.
Video link: this item allows candidates the ability to share a URL link, such as a pre-recorded teaching demo or lesson.
Statement: this item can be used to gather candidate acknowledgements for legal or organization specific purposes.
When you are finished, click “Save question set,” and your set will be ready to include in your job postings.
When adding questions to question sets, you will be prompted to specify your desired visibility for each question. This feature allows you to customize the application experience for external candidates, or candidates applying to work in your district for the first time, and internal candidates, or candidates which currently work in the district and are applying for a new role. For each of these candidate types, you can specify whether the question is visible and whether or not it is required.
Imagine, for example, that you have a job listing for a music teacher position. You would like to know a bit more about external candidates, so you create a question that asks, “Describe your ideal school environment.” On the “external” row, you mark “visible” and “required” so that all external candidates are required to respond to this question. For internal candidates who have already worked for the district for a number of years, this type of question may not be necessary. On the “internal” row, you check “visible” so that they have the choice to respond, but leave “required” unchecked. With this customization, external candidates will be required to respond to the question, while internal candidates can decide whether or not they would like to respond. Our finished customization appears below.
Adding question sets to job listings
Once you have created your question set following the steps above, you will be able to quickly add the set to job listings. First, open the job listing you would like to edit. Next, scroll down to “Add Question Set,” select the question set you would like to add, and click the green “Add question set” button. The question set you selected will appear in the job listing. This process can be repeated as many times as you wish to add numerous question sets to a single job posting.
Editing and updating question sets on a job listing
Once your question sets have been added to the job listing, there are a few features you can utilize to complete your customization. Question sets can be reordered by clicking and dragging on the “reorder” icon in the top-right corner of the question set.
If a question set is unintentionally added to a listing, it can be quickly removed by clicking the “delete” trash can icon.
If you would like to edit the question set, click the “edit” icon and select your desired option - “Edit this job” to edit the question set on only the current job listing, or “Edit all jobs” to update the question set on all jobs it appears on. If you select “Edit this job,” the question set will be converted into a local question set, and changes you make will only take place on the job listing you currently have open. If you select “Edit all jobs,” the question set will remain as a global “All jobs” question set, and updates you make will take place on the question set itself and all job listings that use that question set.
Editing and updating question sets on the “settings” page
Rather than editing a question set directly on a job listing, question sets can also be updated from the “settings” page. To do this, click your name in the top-right corner and click “settings.” Scroll down to the section labeled “Application Question Sets” and click on the question set you would like to edit. Here, you may change the title and add, delete, reorder, or update individual questions. When you have finished editing the question set, press “Save question set,” and your changes will update automatically on all job postings that use the question set.
To learn more about question sets and other Nimble features, check out our tutorials page in the drop down menu under your name in the top right corner of the page.
And as always feel free to contact us at [email protected].