You can use Nimble’s Data Transfer Tool (DTT) to create unlimited, customized data transfers from Nimble into other HR systems. The DTT removes manual data entry and allows for auto-generated data transfers. It can also be used to transfer new hire information into other systems or to pull custom hiring reports for analytics purposes.
Follow the steps below to configure your first data transfer within the DTT!
Create a data transfer
To begin, click “Data” -> “Data Transfer”. Then, click “+ New Data Transfer"
Configure the data transfer
Your data transfer will be pre-populated with its first column. Give the column a name and select the data you would like to transfer.
For example, if you want to transfer a candidate’s application status, you may name the column “Status”, select the Data Source as “Application”, and the Application Field as “Application Status.” Finally, you can optionally include a Data Format - for this example, we chose “Uppercase.”
Once you have completed all required fields, the “+ New Column” button will become active and can be used to create additional columns.
Repeat the above process for as many columns of data as you would like to transfer. If desired, you can rearrange the column order by dragging and dropping.
For a complete list of where each data component can be found, refer here.
Perform a data transformation
In some instances, it can be helpful to transform the data you are pulling from Nimble. For example, when you pull a candidate’s gender using the DTT, by default, the information will be presented as “Male”, “Female”, “Non-binary”, “Prefer Not to Say”, or “Other”.
If you instead wish for the “Male” and “Female” values to be shown as “M” and “F”, you can create a data mapping rule to create this transformation.
First, click the “+” next to the data you would like to transform.
Next, click “+ Add Rule” to create your first rule:
You may continue clicking “+ Add Rule” as many times as needed until you have added all the desired transformation rules; note that mapping rules are case-sensitive. When finished, click “Done.”
Save and test
When you have finished configuring your data transfer, click “Save” and agree to the disclaimer. Note that the DTT does not auto-save, so we recommend saving frequently.
To ensure your transfer is working correctly, click “Download Test”; note that this button only becomes active after the data transfer has been saved. This will download a CSV of 20 random candidates to your computer. Review the export to check that the configuration is what you want it to be.
Next steps
When you are satisfied with your configuration, the next step is to contact Nimble at [email protected]. Once we have finalized your configuration, your data transfer will be up and running!