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OECOSL Provider Quick Guide - Indiana Educator Job Board
OECOSL Provider Quick Guide - Indiana Educator Job Board

OECOSL providers can use this guide to quickly get acquainted with the Nimble system and start posting jobs!

Matt Schofield avatar
Written by Matt Schofield
Updated over a year ago

Welcome to the Provider Job Board Quick Guide! This is your one-stop-shop for resources to support your Indiana Educator Job Board account. Need additional help? Please contact us at [email protected].

Additionally, please reference this article for an overview of the partnership between Nimble and FSSA’s Office of Early Childhood and Out of School Learning, and the Frequently Asked Questions for answers to providers’ most common questions.

Opting in

If you have not yet done so, please request Nimble access by completing the opt-in form on the I-LEAD portal (note: this can only be done by Program Administrators). Your account will be created within three business days of form submission, and you will then be able to follow the steps below to post jobs on the Statewide Indiana Educator Job Board.

Logging in

If you are a Program Administrator: To log in to Nimble, simply click the Nimble tile on your I-LEAD home page; note that this tile will only be visible to administrators.

Otherwise: Your Program Administrator will invite you to the Nimble system; you will receive an invitation to log in once they do so. After you have established your account, you can log in at

Adding a user

If there are multiple people who will be posting jobs for your organization, you can invite them to create an account.

To add a new user, click your name in the top-right corner and then click “Account." Next, click “+ Add user.” Enter their first and last name as well as email and click “Save.” A system-generated email will be sent to the address you indicate, asking the user to create a password and sign in.

Adding a site

If your organization has multiple locations, you can add those locations to Nimble. Once locations are added to Nimble, you can then associate them with job postings.

To add a new site, click your name in the top-right corner and click “Account.” Next, click “+ Add school.” Add the name of the location along with its full address and click “Save.”

For more detailed information, including how to edit or archive sites, click here.

Posting a job

To post a job, click the “+ Create new job” button; then, fill out the fields to describe your job. Note that “Job Title”, “Job Description”, and “Where to apply” are required fields, while the rest are optional.

When you are satisfied, click “Save as Draft” to save the posting for later, or “Save and Preview” to continue.

On the preview screen, you can see how the position will appear to candidates. Click “Back to Edit” to make any final revisions, or “Post Job” to post the job to the Statewide Indiana Educator Job Board.

For more detailed information on posting a job in Nimble, see here.

Updating job status

Jobs have three statuses:

  1. Draft: This job is a work in progress and has not yet been posted; it is not visible to candidates.

  2. Active, Open: This job is live on the Indiana Educator Job board and can be seen by candidates.

  3. Archived: This position has been closed and removed from the statewide job board. You can always reopen the job in the future.

Posted jobs are Active, Open by default. To remove a job from the statewide job board, hover your cursor over the position and click the "Archive" icon on the right.

Duplicating a job

You can copy an existing posting or one of the example jobs provided by default by hovering your cursor over the position and clicking the “Duplicate” icon.

A duplicate version of the job will be created, which you can edit as necessary and post.

Editing a job

You can edit an existing job by following the steps below:

  • Click the job name

  • Click “Edit”

  • Make your changes

  • Click “Save & Preview”

  • Click “Post Job”

Finding and filtering jobs

You can filter to see only certain jobs using the toggles on the left-hand side. In this section, you can filter by job status, category, grade, hiring season, and location. You can also use the search bar to quickly locate the job you are looking for.


You're ready to post jobs to the Indiana Educator Job Board! If you have additional questions, check out the Frequently Asked Questions.

Need additional help? Don't hesitate to get in touch with us at [email protected]

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