Welcome to Nimble’s ATS Provider Quick Guide! This is your one-stop-shop for resources to support your ATS account. Looking for support with your Indiana Educator Job Board Account? Refer to our guide here.
Additionally, please reference this article for an overview of the partnership between Nimble and FSSA’s Office of Early Childhood and Out of School Learning, and the Frequently Asked Questions for answers to providers’ most common questions.
Need additional help? Please get in touch with us at [email protected].
Opting in
If you have not yet upgraded your account to Nimble’s ATS, you can do so for free here.
Logging in
To log in to Nimble, simply click the Nimble tile on your I-LEAD home page; note that this tile will only be visible to program administrators.
If you are not a program administrator, your administrator can invite you to Nimble’s ATS; you will receive the invitation and login instructions via email.
Home page
The Nimble home page provides a quick glance at the current candidates in your system. Below, we briefly outline each feature on this page.
Hiring pipeline
This chart shows the number of candidates in each status in the system. This can be used to get a pulse check on your hiring process. You can click any of the numbers to view the candidates currently in that status.
Top candidates
Nimble Candidate Insights (NCI) identifies the teacher candidates most likely to drive student learning and stay longer in classrooms, based on research with organizations across the country. Candidates in the top 20% of our national sample will be highlighted here.
Bottleneck notifications
To maintain candidates' interest, it's essential to screen and communicate with them promptly. The bottleneck notifications view shows candidates with the same status for five or more days. You can use this view to resolve bottlenecks and keep candidates moving throughout your hiring process.
Adding a user
If there are multiple people who will be utilizing the applicant tracking system, you can invite them to create an account.
To add a new user, click your name in the top-right corner and click “Account”.
Next, click “+ Add user.” Enter their first and last name as well as email.
Additionally, you will need to select their user type - Super Admin, District Admin, District User, or School Admin. You can learn more about account types and their associated permissions here.
Once you have completed all the fields, click “Save.” An email will be sent to the email address you input, allowing this user to create an account.
Adding a site
If your organization has multiple locations, you can add those locations to Nimble. Once locations are added to Nimble, you can associate them with job postings.
To add a new site, click your name in the top-right corner and click “Account”. Next, click “+ Add school.” Add the name of the location along with its complete address and click “Save”
For more detailed information, including how to edit or archive sites, click here.
Settings page
On the settings page, you can establish configurations for your organization. To access the settings page, click your name in the top-right corner and click “Settings.”
Below, we will walk through each component of this page.
This section allows you to establish notifications via email to keep you informed on happenings within your organization. For example, you can configure a notification so you are alerted via email when a new candidate has applied to a position.
To learn more about notifications and how to configure them, refer to our detailed guide here.
Scorecards can be used when interviewing candidates to capture their responses and your hiring recommendations. Refer here to learn how to create a scorecard template and here to learn how to use a scorecard during an interview.
Reference forms
Nimble allows you to create reference forms to easily capture feedback from candidates’ references. This functionality also helps to ensure fair hiring practices. Refer here to learn how to create reference forms and here to learn how to conduct and review reference checks.
Email templates
Nimble’s email template functionality allows you to create email templates that you can reuse to communicate with candidates quickly. Refer here to learn how to create email templates, and here to learn how to use your email templates.
School groups
School groups can be configured to group specific sites together. These groups can be used to filter data on the vacancy or pipeline dashboards or to add groups of sites to a job posting easily. To learn how to create and leverage school groups, refer here.
Job categories
Job categories can be tagged to jobs and used as a filtering tool for candidates on the external job board as well as internally on the candidate list and vacancy dashboard. These categories have been developed in partnership with OECOSL and IDOE and are the same across all Indiana providers.
Application question sets
When creating job listings, you will probably end up asking the same questions on numerous postings. For example, on all teaching-related postings, you may ask, “How many years of teaching experience do you have?” and “Which age do you prefer to work with?” With Nimble’s question sets feature, you can create bundles of questions that can quickly and easily be added to all relevant job postings.
To learn more about application question sets and begin making your own, refer here.
Applicant source
As job seekers apply to your organization, Nimble captures where they initially heard about the job opening. The options for the candidate to select from can be edited to adequately capture how they heard about your job opening. Refer here to learn more about applicant sources and how to edit the list of sources offered to candidates.
Candidate statuses
Statuses are used to track the progress of candidates throughout the hiring process. To learn more about statuses and explore potential adjustments to align them with your organization’s hiring workflow, refer here.
Candidate tags
With candidate tags, you can easily flag candidates to filter through applicants quickly. Learn more about creating and applying candidate tags here.
Posting a job
The first step to hiring great candidates is to post a job. You can follow our detailed guide here to learn how to post a job with Nimble’s ATS.
Duplicating jobs
You can copy an existing posting or one of the example jobs provided by default by hovering your cursor over the position and clicking the “Duplicate” icon:
A duplicate version of the job will be created, which you can edit as necessary and post.
Editing jobs
You can edit an existing posting by following the steps below:
Click the job name
Click “Edit”
Make your changes
Click “Save & Preview”
Click “Post Job”
Job statuses
Jobs in Nimble’s ATS have five statuses - Pending Approval; Active, Open; Active, Closed; Draft; and Archived. Learn more about the purpose of each status and how to move jobs between them here.
Sharing jobs on social media
Now, you can share your open positions on social media, all with just a couple of clicks!
First, click “Jobs” in the header to be directed to your internal jobs page. When you hover over Active, Open jobs, you will see a "Share" icon on the far right.
Click the “Share” icon to open the “Share Job” modal.
Select the social networks you would like to share to and click “Continue” and “Share job.”
For more detailed information on sharing jobs on social media, refer here.
Filtering jobs
You can filter to see only specific jobs using the toggles on the left-hand side of the jobs page.
In this section, you can filter by job status, category, grade, hiring season, and location. You can also use the search bar to locate the job you are looking for quickly.
Refer here for a complete guide on job page filters.
Nimble’s data dashboards allow you to analyze your hiring process at a high level.
To access the dashboards, click “Data” and select the appropriate dashboard. You can use the vacancy dashboard to track vacancy-related data across your organization and the pipeline dashboard to analyze hiring trends like time to hire and the volume of applicants compared year over year.
Reviewing applications
Once a candidate has applied to one of your open positions, you can review their application to determine if they are a good match for your organization.
For a detailed guide on how to review candidate applications within Nimble, refer here.
You're ready to use Nimble’s ATS to quickly and easily hire candidates!
Want to learn even more about the Nimble system? Our Getting Started checklist is an in-depth tool. To find this, log in to Nimble, go to the top right of the screen, and select “Getting Started”. We suggest going through the checklist in order.
If you have additional questions, check out the Frequently Asked Questions.
Need additional help? Don't hesitate to get in touch with us at [email protected]